If you have a Private Driveway, Crossover or Garage that you have difficulty in accessing due to cars being parked across, or in close proximity to, your access you can apply for a white access bar to be painted as a deterrent.
It is important to understand that providing white lines on the highway across a private driveway is for the purpose of deterring obstructive parking; the Council cannot enforce white lines and accepts no responsibility for any consequences that may arise from the lines.
The painting of access bars is chargeable and the current charge is £150.00 plus VAT for each access bar, except for disabled badge holders, which are free of charge.
You will be invoiced once the work has been completed.
The Council will only paint White Lines if the following criteria are met:
- There are no waiting restrictions already in place.
- There are no other carriageway markings that would conflict with the white lines.
- If the private access is shared, written agreement must be provided from all those who share the access, not to be unreasonably withheld.
- The final decision to install/extend a white line rests with the Council.
- Applications are processed in batches and the Council’s ability to carry out lining works is reliant on fair weather and can be delayed by factors beyond our control.
- For these reasons lines can take some time to be completed and the Council cannot
guarantee the time frame for painting a line and you will not be invoiced for the line until the line has been painted.
- No lines will be painted from October 31st until February 28th due to inclement weather at this time of year. Any applications received during this period will be included for completion in the following March/April.
- The life of the access bars are deemed to be 5 years and will be guaranteed for this period by the Council, after which time you will have to reapply for the lines to be renewed at your cost.
View examples of how access bars are installed
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